Computer tool support for DV-UFO modeling
system-object approach, financing systems, digital models, graph-analytical models, simulation modelsAbstract
The questions of instrumental support of DV-UFO modeling are considered. It is obvious that the transition to the digital economy involves the gradual replacement of the modern management paradigm with a new paradigm based on information technologies, computer tools and artificial intelligence methods. This means that modern modeling methods should use the computer not as an auxiliary tool for drawing diagrams or performing some calculations, but as a digital infrastructure within which the entire life cycle of the model is reproduced. The DV-UFO method itself can be considered as a specification of some digital infrastructure intended for creating and analyzing a certain class of models of economic processes and systems. The implementation of the DV-UFO method depends on many factors: the implementation goals (research or production), the digital platform (computer, network, cloud), the programming language and environment. Next, we consider the part of the specification that is invariant with respect to the listed factors and defines the core of the DV-UFO method, its basic version.
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