Normative system of system-object analysis and modeling

the research is financially supported by the projects of the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research No 18-07-00355а, 18-07-00356а, 19-07-00290а and № 19-07-00111а, 19-29- 01047mk.


  • Alexander G. Zhikharev Belgorod National Research University
  • Sergey I. Matorin «SoftConnect» CJSC
  • Vladimir V. Mikhelev Belgorod National Research University



system-object approach, formalization, element «Union-Function-Object», ALCHOIQ(D) descriptive logic, normative system, alphabet nodes


The article discusses the possibility of creating a formal-semantic normative system of system-object analysis and modeling. The system is considered in the framework of the system-object approach in the form of a design "Union-Function-Object", formalized using descriptive logic. A classification of systems is proposed that uses the classification of communication flows and nodes, which is part of the concept of a system-object approach. A conceptual classification scheme for system components is presented. Its properties are described; on its basis, a method is being developed for specifying the formal alphabet of system connection nodes with a specific objective content. Also presented are the rules for manipulating the resulting alphabetical characters. The possibility and expediency of building a regulatory system with enhanced expressive capabilities are substantiated. An example of the use of the formal semantic alphabet of system elements is considered, which
demonstrates the possibility of simplifying the procedure of graphic-analytical modeling of a complex system.


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Author Biographies

Alexander G. Zhikharev, Belgorod National Research University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Information and Robotic Systems, Belgorod National Research University,

Belgorod, Russia

Sergey I. Matorin, «SoftConnect» CJSC

Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor, Deputy General Director on Science and Innovation CJSC "SoftConnect",

Belgorod, Russia

Vladimir V. Mikhelev, Belgorod National Research University

Postgraduate Student, Department of Applied Informatics and Information Technologies, Belgorod National Research University,

Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 525




How to Cite

Zhikharev, A. G., Matorin, S. I., & Mikhelev, V. V. (2020). Normative system of system-object analysis and modeling: the research is financially supported by the projects of the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research No 18-07-00355а, 18-07-00356а, 19-07-00290а and № 19-07-00111а, 19-29- 01047mk. Economics. Information Technologies, 47(3), 623-637.




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