Comparison of DFD, IDEF0, IDEF3, EPC and BPMN Notations with UFO-analysis Notation
methods of system analysis, graph-analytic notations, process models, system-object approach, UFO analysisAbstract
The paper examines notations (normative systems) that implement graph-analytical methods of system analysis and are used to describe business and technological processes. It shows that when the modeling goals or performers’ qualification is changed, or when the subject area is specified, it may be necessary to switch from one notation to another, or to transform the original model. Though the problem is discussed by specialists, there are practically no studies on the transition from one notation of modeling a subject area to another, or on their transformation. The purpose of this study is to compare the notations of the IDEF, DFD, EPC, BPMN family with the UFO analysis notation to substantiate the possibility of emulating the above-mentioned group of notations by means of the system-object approach. The obtained results will allow developing libraries and algorithms for converting graphic models from one notation to another, due to the use of the universal UFO analysis notation.
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