Methods of Constructing a Perspective Grid for Accident Analysis
perspective grid, dimensional object, distance calculation, vanishing points, single-point perspective, two-point perspectiveAbstract
The investigators of the Traffic Accident Investigation Department face significant difficulties in their work. Currently, they are forced to use several different programs to analyze accidents, which significantly complicates the process and reduces its effectiveness. Moreover, many programs that previously provided all the necessary functions in a single solution are no longer available on the market due to sanctions. This creates a significant gap in the tools available to investigators and complicates their tasks of investigating and analyzing traffic accidents. This article describes a method for constructing a perspective grid using one or two vanishing points on a dimensional object. This approach is an effective solution for the investigators of the Traffic Accident Investigation Department, as it allows an accurate measurement of the distances and proportions of objects in a photo. The developed method represents the first step in solving this problem by integrating key analysis functions into a single software solution and thereby improving the efficiency and accuracy of the investigators' work.
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