Development of Regulations for QMS Processes Using a System-Object Approach


  • Pavel A. Buzov JSC "SoftConnect"
  • Alexander G. Zhikharev Belgorod State National Research University
  • Sergey I. Matorin Belgorod State National Research University; Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law



regulation of business processes, system-object approach, quality management system, image of a functional unit, regulation template


The work examines the shortcomings of existing methods of regulating business processes (BP), caused by modeling processes and designing regulations using a system-structural approach. The possibilities of developing BP regulations using the system-object approach are demonstrated. An original regulation template is proposed, based on the previously proposed representation of the system in the form of a crossroads of connections (input and output flows), i.e. node, the process of transforming the input stream into the output stream, i.e. function, and the object implementing this process, as well as on the image of the functional node and its features are described. Using the proposed BP regulation template, examples of quality management system (QMS) management process regulations have been developed, based on the structural system-object model of the QMS in the UFO-toolkit environment.


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Author Biographies

Pavel A. Buzov, JSC "SoftConnect"

CEO of SoftConnect JSC,
Belgorod, Russia.

Alexander G. Zhikharev, Belgorod State National Research University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Automated Systems and Technologies, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia.

Sergey I. Matorin, Belgorod State National Research University; Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Information and Robotic Systems of the Belgorod State National Research University,
Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law,
Belgorod, Russia.


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Abstract views: 95




How to Cite

Buzov, P. A., Zhikharev, A. G., & Matorin, S. I. (2024). Development of Regulations for QMS Processes Using a System-Object Approach. Economics. Information Technologies, 51(1), 132-144.




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