The Concept and Tools of Facilitation for Managing Conflicting Contradictions of Stakeholders During the Transformation of Management Systems


  • Alexey V. Mitenkov National University of Science and Technology «MISIS»



organizational behavior, leadership in organization, organization management, organizational change and organizational development, facilitation


The beginning of the 21st century has brought significant global and local changes to the life of society, covering almost all aspects of life. The transformations also affect the sphere of management of organizations, which necessitates the transformation of the management system to ensure the sustainable functioning of organizations. However, any changes inevitably cause controversy and disagreement among stakeholders. Effectively addressing and overcoming these conflicts is a key factor contributing to the successful implementation of transformation processes. In the first part of the study (Vol. 51, No. 1, journal “Economics. Information technologies”), the author presents the result of a theoretical review and analysis of teachings on stakeholder conflict during transformations. The first part draws a conclusion about the driving force of constructive conflict, which leads to dialectical development during organizational change. In the second part of the aforementioned study, the concept of such a method of conflict resolution in the management of organizations as facilitation is revealed, as well as the results of studying its methods and techniques are presented. Structured algorithms for the selection of means and methods of facilitation in accordance with the specified criteria are presented and the potential of facilitation in relation to the elimination of contradictions in decision-making regarding changes in the management system is revealed. The author proposes an updated facilitation toolkit "integral facilitation", which is an important element in the author's concept and methodology of management system transformation. The task of this element consists in both external stimulation of the group to develop "good" solutions to changes and their subsequent implementation by eliminating the conflict component by transferring the destructive energy of the conflict into a purposeful vector of thinking and the group's actions in the right direction. The presented research can be used by expert practitioners to conduct strategic sessions during the transformation of management systems of industrial enterprises.


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Author Biography

Alexey V. Mitenkov, National University of Science and Technology «MISIS»

PhD in Philosophy, Director of the Institute of Industrial Economics, National University of Science and Technology «MISIS», Moscow, Russia


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Abstract views: 84




How to Cite

Mitenkov, A. V. (2024). The Concept and Tools of Facilitation for Managing Conflicting Contradictions of Stakeholders During the Transformation of Management Systems. Economics. Information Technologies, 51(2), 330-343.

