Reserves for Growth of Labor Productivity of an Industrial Enterprise as a Component of Its Development Potential
labor productivity management, manufacturing industry, internal production reserves, digitalizationAbstract
One of the most important problems of the modern Russian economy remains the problem of increasing labor productivity. Technological progress creates conditions to solve it and at the same time generates new restrictions and difficulties in the growth of labor productivity. For the country as a whole, its individual regions and industries, labor productivity is one of the main indicators of economic development. Thus, the topic of labor productivity growth in the economy and especially in industry has been and remains relevant, requiring further research. The work uses general scientific and special methods to substantiate the propositions put forward. The research results are presented by systematizing the tools of managerial influence on the processes that ensure the growth of labor productivity, their division into tools of direct and indirect impact, followed by the identification and detailed description of the instruments of indirect influence, which are very diverse by structure. The authors justify the need to consider labor productivity management through the implementation of management functions, additionally introducing forecasting and coordination as separate and independent functions. Hence the effect of labor productivity management in the form of finding and using internal production reserves can be distinguished and systematized. It gives the opportunity to determine the type, place in the enterprise system and direction of applied reserves. The article presents a methodological approach to calculating the components of an enterprise's potential using the coefficient method. Particular attention in the article is paid to identifying the possibilities of digitalization and innovation reserves and their assessment. Groups of indicators, their calculation and impact on changes in the innovation and digitalization potential of industry in recent years are revealed as well. The authors came to the conclusion that the reserves for growth in labor productivity of an industrial enterprise depend, among other things, on the group the enterprise belongs according to its level of digitalization.
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