Updating the Enterprise Potential Capacity Model and Its Use to Manage Its Efficiency
enterprise management, analysis of economic activity, efficiency of economic activity, potential capacity of an enterprise, factor modelingAbstract
One of the most generalizing indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the functioning of an economic entity of the reverse direction is its potential intensity, which can be defined as the level of need of an economic entity (enterprise) in the resource potential to achieve the target results of its functioning. Practice requires evidence-based methods and tools for performance management. Inverse performance indicators are a suitable basis for the development of mathematical models of performance management by highlighting the controllable factors of its change. The purpose of this work is to update the factor model of the potential intensity of an enterprise developed by the authors earlier in accordance with modern methodological approaches, the current regulatory and information base for managing economic activities. The resulting model includes seventeen factors, reflects the impact of the level of use of various assets of the enterprise on the efficiency of its economic activity and allows: to quantify their contribution to the potential intensity of the enterprise; identify priority areas for managing resource potential in order to minimize the overall potential intensity; identify and measure the reserves for reducing the overall potential intensity at the expense of each element of the resource potential; develop management decisions for the development of these reserves; predict and optimize the level of potential intensity at the planning stage of the enterprise.
Список источников
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Audit-it.ru: сайт. URL: https://www.audit-it.ru/ (дата обращения 2 апреля 2023).
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