Application of intellectual technologies of natural language processing and virtual reality means to support decision-making when selecting project executors
project results targeting, personal priorities, neural-fuzzy network, natural language processing, virtual reality tools, decision-makingAbstract
The conceptual foundations of assessing a person's personal priorities and his project results targeting based on the use of fuzzy logic methods, neural networks and virtual reality tools are presented. To assess the project results targeting of a person, it is proposed to use a four-layer neural-fuzzy network trained on expert data on the executors of previously implemented projects. The identification of a person's personal priorities is based on the use of intellectual analysis of textual Internet messages of a person using neural network technologies for natural language processing. As a training sample, it is proposed to use a set of text document vectors and the corresponding marks of personal priority classes. In the process of identifying the personal priorities classes, it is required to create an appropriate text array based on parsing and processing of text messages published on the Internet by the analyzed person. Research can be used to create software tools to support decision-making in the selection of performers on the inclusion of a person in the project team.
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