Approaches to managing the flexibility of the higher education system taking into account the socio-economic features of regions


  • Elena L. Makarova Southern Federal University



management of economic systems, triple helix, flexibility management, higher education system, socio-economic system, peculiarities of regions, regional policy, balanced development


As theoretical principles of management, the main aspects of substantiating the ideal or normatively balanced modeling of higher education institutions relationship, taking into account the needs of the region, were investigated and systematized in order to reduce the asymmetry in regional higher education systems and increase their flexibility based on taking into account the socio-economic characteristics of the regions. The study is devoted to the development of a methodology and tools for determining the socioeconomic efficiency for regional systems of higher education, modeling the balanced development of higher education institutions, taking into account the needs of the region and developing recommendations to improve their efficiency. During research, the author proposed guidelines for the development of methodical approaches to the implementation of regional policy to reduce asymmetry in regional higher education systems and increase their flexibility based on taking into account the socio-economic characteristics of the regions.


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Author Biography

Elena L. Makarova, Southern Federal University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Management and Innovative Technologies Department, Institute of Management in Economic, Environmental and Social Systems Southern Federal University,
Rostov-on-Don, Russia


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How to Cite

Makarova, E. L. (2021). Approaches to managing the flexibility of the higher education system taking into account the socio-economic features of regions. Economics. Information Technologies, 48(1), 17-24.

