The Methodology for Assessing the Interregional Interaction in Russia within the Framework of Complementary Technological Competencies of World-Class Research and Education Centres


  • Elena A. Lavrinenko St. Petersburg State University
  • Julia V. Lyshchikova Belgorod State National Research University



regional economy, spatial development, interregional cooperation, complementary technological competencies, world-class Research and Education Center (REC)


The relevance of the study is due to the fact that an intensified interaction between the subjects of the Russian Federation within the framework of complementary technological competencies of world-class RECs contributes to the regions’ sustainable socio-economic development. Methods of simulation modeling, economic and statistical methods, heuristic methods, and expert assessment were used in the study. The authors present a model of interregional interaction within the framework of world-class RECs, which reflects their partnership collaborations with educational institutions and organizations of the real economy sector of Russia’s regions. A methodology has been developed for assessing the interregional interaction between the subjects of the Russian Federation within the framework of complementary technological competencies of world-class RECs, including five interrelated stages: analyzing the involvement of subjects and industries in the scientific and technological agenda of world-class RECs; assessing the formation of complementary technological competencies of world-class RECs; assessing the staff mobility; assessing the world-class REC activities; developing recommendations for enhancing interregional cooperation within the framework of complementary technological competencies of world-class RECs.


The study was prepared as part of the state task of NRU "BelSU" FZWG-2023-0014, the project topic is "Spatial-network interaction of Russian regions in the context of new challenges of technological development".


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Author Biographies

Elena A. Lavrinenko, St. Petersburg State University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics, St. Petersburg State University,
St. Petersburg, Russia

Julia V. Lyshchikova, Belgorod State National Research University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Economics and Economic Security, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia


Список источников

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Национальный проект «Наука и университеты». URL. (дата обращения: 10.10.2024).

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Abstract views: 7




How to Cite

Lavrinenko, E. A., & Lyshchikova, J. V. (2024). The Methodology for Assessing the Interregional Interaction in Russia within the Framework of Complementary Technological Competencies of World-Class Research and Education Centres. Economics. Information Technologies, 51(4), 753-765.

