Theory of Management of Conflict Contradictions of Stakeholders in the Transformation of Management Systems
theory and methods of decision-making, theory of organization, organization management, organizational change and organizational development, conflict managementAbstract
In recent years, society has been experiencing global and local changes in almost all spheres of life. This also applies to the management of an organization. Thus, transformations of the management system (or business transformations) become a condition for the successful functioning of organizations. At the same time, any changes always lead to contradictions and disagreements among stakeholders, the elimination and overcoming of which is the key to effective transformation of the management system. The study consists of two parts, which is explained by the scale and complexity of the topic itself, both from the point of view of theoretical approaches and from the point of view of practical experience in implementing management system transformation projects. The presented material can be used both for theoretical introduction and for the purpose of implementing the stages of the facilitation process in practice when working with specific organizations during the transformation of management systems. The first part of the study presents the results of a theoretical review of the problem of using facilitation in the context of eliminating contradictions and conflicts of stakeholders in the transformations of the management system of organizations. The research is based on the theory of the driving force of conflict, which leads to development and is the potential for positive change. The work describes the types and levels of conflicts. The presented material can be used both for theoretical acquaintance and for the purpose of implementing the stages of the facilitation process in practice in working with specific organizations during the transformation of management systems.
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