Formation of Signal-Code Constructions with the Possibility of Restoring Distorted Fragments


  • Ivan S. Pomazanov Limited Liability Company Micro-credit company «Denezhnaya edinica»
  • Evgeniy G. Zhilyakov Belgorod National Research University



signal-code constructions, electromagnetic compatibility


This paper considers the problem of restoring distorted fragments of a signal-code construction (SCC) under the influence of external interference. It is demonstrated that such restoration is possible by forming signal-code constructions based on the basis of eigenvectors of sub-pulse matrices, which correspond to unit eigenvalues. Relationships for restoration in the form of a system of algebraic equations are derived. The computational experiment results are presented, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method. The relationship between the number of eigenvectors used for combination and the duration of the restored segment is evaluated.


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Author Biographies

Ivan S. Pomazanov, Limited Liability Company Micro-credit company «Denezhnaya edinica»

technical support engineer for corporate information systems (CIS). A limited liability company of a Micro-credit company «Denezhnaya edinica»,
Belgorod, Russia

Evgeniy G. Zhilyakov, Belgorod National Research University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Information and Telecommunication Systems and Technologies, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 41




How to Cite

Pomazanov, I. S., & Zhilyakov, E. G. (2023). Formation of Signal-Code Constructions with the Possibility of Restoring Distorted Fragments. Economics. Information Technologies, 50(2), 448-455.

