Fuzzy linguistic Approach to Selection of Marketing Strategies
marketing, promotion strategy, decision-making, linguistic expressions, fuzzy setsAbstract
The development of the market situation, increasing the interconnectedness of commodity markets and service markets through electronic commerce, the possibility of delivering goods to customers around the world significantly increases the level of competition in the development of enterprises. In this case, the role of the correct formation and selection of a marketing strategy that determines the positioning of the company in the market and the promotion of individual product positions increases significantly. The paper considers the problem of choosing marketing strategies to promote products in the uncertain market situation. The purpose of the study is to increase the validity of choosing an alternative marketing strategy from the available set. The achievement of the research goal is ensured through the use of a fuzzy linguistic model based on Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Term Sets. The result of the study is a decision-making scheme for choosing a marketing strategy based on a fuzzy linguistic model. The proposed mechanism for making marketing decisions in conditions of uncertainty allows us to directly take into account the fuzzy linguistic assessments of experts of marketing strategy options when ordering by the level of superiority. As a result, the expert does not need to roughen his estimates, or use artificial numerical scales in the examination process. The results of applying the proposed approach to the task of choosing a marketing strategy for promoting an online educational resource have shown the applicability and effectiveness of a new fuzzy linguistic approach.
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