Experimental Studies on the Recognition of Small-Sized Objects in Video Images Using Multidimensional Spatial-Subband Vectors
decision function, evaluation, recognition, experimental studies, vector, covariance matrix, subbandAbstract
A decisive rule has been developed for recognizing small-sized objects in video images, which allows recognizing various small-sized objects in video images with high quality indicators. The input data for the decisive rule are samples of spatially subband vectors formed from the image of objects. Experimental studies of the decisive function are carried out using images with various small-sized objects located on them. The obtained numerical values of the logarithm of the likelihood ratio used to make a decision on object recognition are given. Experimental studies have shown that the largest values of the logarithm of the likelihood ratio are located proportionally to those pixels of the image under study on which the object on which the training was conducted is located. The developed decisive rule makes it possible to recognize various small-sized objects on video images with high quality indicators. The developed approach to the construction of the decision rule allows us to use optimal solutions and use the Neumann-Pearson criterion to set the threshold level. Experimental studies using in-situ data confirm the capabilities of the developed decisive rule for the recognition of small-sized objects in video images.
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