Synthesis of Analog Hilbert Filters and Research of Their Characteristics
synthesis of analog filters, Hilbert filter, physically realizable Hilbert filter, ideal phase shifterAbstract
A method is being developed for synthesizing analog Hilbert filters with infinite and finite impulse responses, which make it possible to provide, in a given frequency range, an almost perfect phase rotation by 90 degrees, uniform input signal amplification, and filter stability. The derivation of analytical expressions for the impulse and frequency characteristics of such filters is given, their properties are investigated, and the corresponding graphs are constructed. On the basis of the obtained expressions, a stage-by-stage synthesis of an analog Hilbert filter with a finite impulse response (FIR) and its modeling were carried out. The features and causes of the Gibbs effect in the frequency characteristics of such a FIR filter are experimentally investigated. We propose and analyze effective methods for dealing with the Gibbs transient in the frequency domain and show that with a special choice of weight smoothing, it is possible to obtain a Hilbert FIR filter with almost ideal phase shifter characteristics in a given operating frequency band. The quality of the FIR Hilbert filters is evaluated according to various criteria. Analytical expressions are given for the impulse and frequency responses of a physically realizable Hilbert filter.
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