The impact of counterfeit dairy products and surrogates on the milk market and the state of the dairy industry


  • Ksenia B. Zhilinkova Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after I.I. Ivanov



market, competition, substitutes, falsification, regulation


An important role in providing the population with high-quality food and food security of the country is played by the dairy industry, the state of which is largely determined by the effectiveness of market and government regulatory mechanisms. One of the acute problems, largely caused by the ineffectiveness of regulatory mechanisms of regulation and hindering the development of the dairy industry, is the large-scale use of milk fat substitutes, various food additives and components in the processing and food industries, which leads to falsification of dairy products. In the domestic economic literature, not enough attention is paid to this problem, there are obvious gaps in the research methodology and methods for assessing this phenomenon, which leads to significant discrepancies, incorrect conclusions and the development of ineffective management decisions. The purpose of this work was to analyze the problem of falsification of dairy products and improve the methodology of its research. The research was carried out on the materials of official statistics with the use of analytical materials of government bodies, regulatory and scientific literature. The study revealed the negative impact of counterfeiting dairy products on the milk market and the state of the dairy industry. According to the author's estimates, due to falsification, dairy cattle breeding lacks up to 2 million or more dairy cows, since natural milk is replaced by surrogates. At the same time, counterfeit products have a negative impact not only on the economy of the dairy industry, but also on the health of citizens. The article systematizes the ways, types and methods of falsification of milk and dairy products, compiled a visual diagram of the influence of falsified dairy products on the milk market and the state of the dairy industry. A methodological approach to assessing the level of falsification of dairy products is proposed based on a comparison of data on the direction of raw milk processing and the production of finished dairy products. The results obtained can be used in the practical activities of state authorities to develop more substantiated decisions on the regulatory regulation of the milk and dairy products market.


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Author Biography

Ksenia B. Zhilinkova, Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after I.I. Ivanov

Candidate of the Department of Accounting and Finance, Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after
I.I. Ivanov,
Kursk, Russia


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Abstract views: 318




How to Cite

Zhilinkova, K. B. (2021). The impact of counterfeit dairy products and surrogates on the milk market and the state of the dairy industry. Economics. Information Technologies, 48(4), 697-706.

