Acceleration of complex formation, networking and clustering in the maritime sector: diagnostics and algorithms of state assistance


  • Vasilisa V. Gorochnaya South Federal University



cluster management, state regulation, marine clusters, Eurasian positioning of Russia, regional economic policy


The research is aimed at solving urgent problems of conceptualization and algorithm of state assistance to the development of self-organizational forms of business environment’s integration in maritime industries. These issues are relevant in order to strengthen the economy of the Russian coastal regions, as they are strategically important areas of stabilization and maintenance of external cross-border contact potential in conditions of geo-economic turbulence. Despite the increased attention to various aspects in the study of the phenomenon of a maritime cluster as a relatively independent category, Russia has not yet developed a holistic and consistent approach to promoting maritime cluster self-organization and management of the development processes of the relevant clusters. Also such approach should take into account their mutual transition into the format of territorial production complexes and network structures. The purpose of the study is to diagnose the current problems of the business environment of key maritime industries, as well as to form a conceptual approach to the participation of the state in initiating its integration processes. The study gives the comparative statistical analysis using chain growth rates in terms of the number of enterprises, production and the number of formed and potential clusters. The research provides diagnostics of the most clusterogenic sectors which are: fisheries, seaside tourism, port facilities and marine logistics. Basing on the identified trends and problems, the author builds the algorithm of the state support policy for the initial stage of self-organization of the business environment with a specification for the reference bases of maritime economic activity in Russia. The results of the study contribute to the development of regional economics and management, and can also be used directly in management practice.


The study was supported by grant 19-18-00005 Russia’s Eurasian Maritime Activities: Regional Economic Forecasting from the Russian Science Foundation


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Author Biography

Vasilisa V. Gorochnaya, South Federal University

PhD in Economics, Specialist on Educational and Methodic Work at the Academy of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the Southern Federal University; Head of Department for Science, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Producing of Performing Arts at the Rostov State S. Rachmaninov Conservatoire,
Rostov-on-Don, Russia


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How to Cite

Gorochnaya, V. V. (2022). Acceleration of complex formation, networking and clustering in the maritime sector: diagnostics and algorithms of state assistance. Economics. Information Technologies, 48(4), 625-640.

