The analyze method of functional requirements change dynamics for multifunctional cyber-physical systems
multifunctional system, reconfiguration, requirements change, system analysis, function, cyber-physical systemsAbstract
The development of cyber-physical systems led to a significant increase in their structural and functional complexity and make them multifunctional. Decision support for the development management of such systems requires taking into account the dynamics of requirements change. There is, hence, an urgent need to develop mechanisms in order to analyze the requirements changes of multifunctional systems. The analysis of goal-oriented methods for requirements specification led to describe the model of the requirements system in the form of adaptability requirement hierarchy. This model allow to aggregate requirements dynamics and interlinks. The analysis of requirements change process allowed to determinate the basic factors and suggested to account the value of change in the management. The study introduces new indicator – “dynamics of requirements change” for the system analysis of multifunctional cyber-physical system. It presented as a ratio of the relative value requirements change sum to the period of changes. New estimation method based on qualitymetric approach allow to account the value of dynamics of requirements change indicator with the traceability and importance of individual changes as a form of quality tree. The proposed method of evaluating the indicator requirements changes allows to determine the external dynamics of the managed multifunctional system. The application of new indicator is an indirect assessment of changes in the multifunctional reconfigurable systems environment as a form of system analysis. The illustration indicators values for some complex system have relative large (more then 0,2 by year) dynamics.
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