Mechanisms of institutionalization and implementation of the concept of "Smart Region" in the management of sustainable spatial development of territories


  • Julia V. Lyshchikova Belgorod National Research University



sustainable spatial development, smart region, smart specialization, human capital, digitalization, the concept of combined value, impact investment


The implementation of the national project "Digital Economy", permanent reforms of public administration dictate the requirements for the search for a new model of sustainable spatial development based on the integrated implementation of digital technologies in all areas of the functioning of the economy and society. These changes are already actively taking place in a large number of regions, but there is a fragmentation of digital initiatives in the regions, along with duplication and overlap of regional and federal projects. At the same time, several regions have accumulated the necessary human potential and the level of development of digital and innovative technologies to ensure the maximum socio-economic and managerial synergy effect from the introduction of new management concepts and models. The aim of the study is to develop mechanisms for institutionalization and implementation of the concept of "Smart Region" in the management of sustainable spatial development of Russian regions based on the assessment of human capital in the context of digitalization and "smart specialization". In the article, as a result of the analysis of the main indices of human capital assessment, digitalization of countries and regions, scientific publications on this topic, on the basis of the concept of combined value and the corresponding methodology for selecting IRIS indicators, a set of indicators for assessing the digitalization of human capital in the regions of the Russian Federation is formed. The assessment and clustering of the regions of the Russian Federation according to the formed groups of indicators is carried out and their spatial features and "digital gaps" are revealed. Based on the results of the assessment and clustering, a system of criteria for the typology of Russian regions was formed in accordance with the priority areas of "smart specialization" and human capital development in order to implement the concept of "Smart Region", presented in the form of a management matrix. At the end of the study, an algorithm for implementing the concept of "Smart Region" in the management of sustainable spatial development of territories, including the necessary implementation stages, tools and sequence of procedures, was developed. To ensure the transition to a promising specialization, it is proposed to use the mechanisms of reproduction of the region's human capital in the context of digitalization and "smart specialization" based on "smart" spatial benchmarking and impact investment directions.


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Author Biography

Julia V. Lyshchikova, Belgorod National Research University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Economics and Economic Security


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Abstract views: 349




How to Cite

Lyshchikova, J. V. (2021). Mechanisms of institutionalization and implementation of the concept of "Smart Region" in the management of sustainable spatial development of territories. Economics. Information Technologies, 48(2), 229-243.

