Financial innovations of social and solidarity economy development


  • Elena V. Zenkina Russian State University for the Humanities



additional currencies, partnership, innovation, social and solidarity economy, cooperation, reputation, additional monetary systems, ecosystems, sustainable development


There are a number of economic projects of social economy based on the principles of fraternity, solidarity, uniting free and equal before the law citizens, erasing the boundaries between the economic and social aspects of society. Given the growing urbanization, the breakdown of traditional ties, the spread of individualism, the dominance of material values and the atomization of society, the additional monetary systems considered in the article act as a tool that restores social ties and unites people into social networks to counteract social exclusion, and, in general, allows us to build a solidarity and horizontal society. It's an effective tool for social engineering. The concept of solidarity occupied an important place in the history of Russian thought. However, in modern Russia, in our opinion, the practices of a solidarity and social economy (SSE) could become an effective help in such areas as environmentally balanced development, revival of economic activity and recovery of the social climate in depressed regions, as well as in general the driver of the development of social capital. This article considers the aspect of financial innovation of the development of SSE - this is an increase in the means of exchange available to the population within an individual community. In particular, such as: time banks, local trade exchange systems (LETS). The research hypothesis is to analyze how the sustainability of the territory can be enhanced by using different monetary systems that act as a tool that restores social ties and unites people. The research approach is based on a comparison of the first generation of additional currencies, the device of the second generation: time banks and the third generation of complementary currencies, which thus contributes to an understanding of the growth of the social and solidarity economy at present. As a result of the study, it was proved that the additional currencies of the fourth generation not only form (promote) social ties between people, but are also used in the implementation of social and environmental programs. Note that the results of the study open a new theoretical direction in the study of problems of sustainable development.


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Author Biography

Elena V. Zenkina, Russian State University for the Humanities

Dr. of Sci. (Economy), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of World Economics, Russian State University for the Humanities,
Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Zenkina, E. V. (2022). Financial innovations of social and solidarity economy development. Economics. Information Technologies, 49(1), 59-66.

