Stipulation optimal conditions of manufacturing companies bank and government financing
economic system of sustainable industrial growth, bank, government, manufacturing company, stakeholder, mechanismAbstract
The manuscript aims to develop the method that stipulate optimal conditions of manufacturing company financing by bank and government, which will secure, from the one hand, company’s-borrower effective operation and, from the other hand, timely fulfillment its obligations to creditors. The idea of the method is based on the stakeholder concept principles. The following manuscript analysis main stakeholders of key participants of project of manufacturing company financing – bank, government and manufacturing company – and their interests. To end the purpose of the manuscript, authors develop simulation economic-and –mathematic model that defines company’s manufacturing cycle and procedure of its activity financing. The manuscript is based on the researches of leading Russian and foreign scientists (economists) in the field of Russian manufacturing industry performance, finance, banking, stakeholder theory, while preparing the study authors have also used Rosstat’s statistical data.
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