The role of the state and municipal procurement market in the regional economy
regional economy, turnover of organizations, budget revenues, procurement, contract priceAbstract
Procurement for state and municipal needs is practiced in all countries. A number of publications indicate that in developed countries, the total amount of contracts awarded is a significant share of GDP. This comparison should be considered incorrect, since the compared values differ in their structure. Unlike GDP, the amounts of the contracts include more and material costs. It is more reasonable to use the total turnover of organizations as a comparison base. On this methodological basis, a study of the role of state and municipal procurement in the regions of the Central Federal district of Russia was carried out. We used data from Rosstat and the Unified information system in the field of procurement. The parameters of the statistical relationship between the turnover of organizations and the revenue part of regional budgets, between the average per capita budget revenues and the amount of contracts placed per resident are determined. The dynamics of the ratio of the total amount of placed contracts and turnover of organizations is estimated. Taking into account that the placement of contracts based on the results of competitive procedures among non-resident organizations in the region entails a loss of budget revenues in the amount of 3.3 rubles per 100 rubles of the contract amount, there are grounds for establishing differentiated prices depending on whether the contractor is a resident or not.
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