Mathematical modeling of collective decision quality assessment


  • Antonina V. Ganicheva Tverskaya state agricultural Academy
  • Alexey V. Ganichev Tverskoy state technical University



expert, factor, sample, relative error of estimation, spread, distribution density, confidence interval


The problem of making decisions by a group of experts is one of the most important in the system analysis of information processes. To solve it, it is necessary to assess the quality of the collective decision (accuracy, reliability, reliability, the number of experts and their characteristics). The article deals with the issues of reliability and reliability of estimates made by a group of experts. The estimation of the optimal number of experts is determined depending on the accuracy and reliability of the assessment. A new approach to determining the numerical characteristics of estimation errors is shown. A method for calculating the relative error of a factor assessment has been developed, the issue of the quality of evaluating several factors has been considered. Detailed algorithms have been developed to implement methods for determining the optimal number of experts. The results obtained can be used to solve tasks of activity planning, results forecasting, selection of promising technologies, etc.


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Author Biographies

Antonina V. Ganicheva, Tverskaya state agricultural Academy

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of «Physical and Mathematical Disciplines and Information Technologies» Department, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Tver «State Agricultural Academy»,

Tver, Russia

Alexey V. Ganichev, Tverskoy state technical University

Associate Professor of «Informatics and Applied Mathematics» Department, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Tver State Technical University,

Tver, Russia


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How to Cite

Ganicheva, A. V., & Ganichev, A. V. (2020). Mathematical modeling of collective decision quality assessment. Economics. Information Technologies, 47(3), 573-582.

