Modeling the Optimal Distribution of Lecture and Practical Lesson Components


  • Antonina V. Ganicheva Tver State Agricultural Academy
  • Alexey V. Ganichev Tver State Technical University



learning quality, competencies, topics, study hours, experts, linear programming problem, matrix game


The relevance of the research is due to the need to automate the educational process in the context of the transition to digital educational technologies. The problem of optimizing the distribution of study hours between lectures and practical classes is among the most important ones in the management of the educational process. The allocation of study time should be consistent with the competencies that need to be mastered when studying a section of an academic course. The purpose of this article is to develop a mathematical model for the optimal distribution of the components of a lecture and a practical lesson. The novelty of the work lies in the application of the mathematical modeling method to solve the problem under consideration. When building a mathematical model, the linear programming method is used. The target function of the task is the sum of products of study hours fractions by their coefficients of significance for building the competency. The limitations are determined by the available fund of study hours for the implementation of a given competency on a specific topic. A visual algorithm for the geometric solution of the problem by reducing it to a matrix game has been developed. The main result of the work is a mathematical model that allows achieving an optimal balance between the number of study hours allocated for assimilating the components of a lecture and practical training. This model takes into account the required level of competencies to be built in students.


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Author Biographies

Antonina V. Ganicheva, Tver State Agricultural Academy

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department Physical and Mathematical Disciplines and Information Technology, Tver State Agricultural Academy,
Tver, Russia

Alexey V. Ganichev, Tver State Technical University

Senior lecturer of the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Tver State Technical University,
Tver, Russia


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How to Cite

Ganicheva, A. V., & Ganichev, A. V. (2024). Modeling the Optimal Distribution of Lecture and Practical Lesson Components. Economics. Information Technologies, 51(4), 864-872.

