Algorithm for Constructing System-Object Three-Dimensional Classification
system-object approach “Node-Function-Object”, system characteristics, relationship of maintaining the functional ability of the whole, three-dimensional classification, algorithmAbstract
The work discusses an original way to overcome the shortcomings of modern classifications, the main one of which is the fact that a systematic approach and system analysis are not used when constructing the classification. The procedure for constructing three-dimensional classifications is described, which makes it possible to take into account the systemic characteristics of any subject area, as well as the systemic relationships of maintaining the functional ability of the whole between classes in the generic classification. The proposed procedure, based on the system-object approach “Node-Function-Object”, makes it possible to practically use the ideas of multidimensional and natural classification and to build classifications in three planes according to the types of functional request (external determinant) to the system, according to the types of processes of formation and functioning of the system (internal determinant) and by the types of results obtained (substance). A variant of formalizing a three-dimensional classification model using the descriptive logic SHOIQ is described. Based on the described procedure, an algorithm for constructing a system-object three-dimensional classification has been developed and presented. The ways for further research and formulation of technical specifications for the development of software tools that implement the presented algorithm are outlined.
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