Toolkits for Concept System and Knowledge Base Creation Processes for Complex-Structured Object Domains (Based on the Chemical Compound Reaction Capacity Identification Problem)
meronym relation, meronym concept system, knowledge base, concept system, ontology interim concept, editor, metagraph, complex-structured system, process, metaconcept, ontology, reaction capacityAbstract
Concept systems of application domains with meronym relation and knowledge bases founded on them are of particular research interest due to the importance of applied problems solved using them. The choice of knowledge base scheme and savvy selection of interim concepts – this time-taking work is due to application domain experts to do after knowledge engineers have expectably left the process. The question is whether it is possible to automate the very process of meronym concept system creation and present the developed toolkits to support this process. This research suggests that the hybrid editor be used. This editor works in both regimes of maximum and minimum meronym concept system and knowledge base formation process automation. It allows application domain expert to make minimum effort or to customize the process, whichever he or she prefers. Basic elements of hybrid editor are complex-structured system metagraph editor, metaconcept generator, and function and predicate constructor. Complex-structured system is created with the help of metagraph editor. The subsystems of complex-structured system can be of four structural types: elementary system, descriptive system, system-subset, and system-process. Metaconcept generator automatically forms the set of metaconcepts that match with interim concepts. In turn, application domain expert sets function and predicate signatures with the help of the constructors: function and predicate metaconcept constructor and function and predicate constructor with arbitrary argument list. Expert work during knowledge base development is facilitated because function and predicate metaconcept constructor automatically sets some of the arguments.
Acknowledgements: The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 19-37-90137.
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