Selected Aspects of the Implementation of the Behavioral Mechanism for Managing the Development of Municipalities
productive forces, production relations, method of production, efficiency, behavioral aspect, economic, behavioral mechanismAbstract
The problem of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of economic entities includes various aspects. One of them is to achieve compliance of the development of productive forces with production relations, since there are contradictions between them that restrain the realization of the potential of any method of production. The key tool for eliminating these contradictions of the production method is the control mechanism. Despite the numerous publications on the problems of the economic management mechanism, which undoubtedly played a positive role in the theory and practice of management, additional research is needed that more fully meets modern challenges. The purpose of this study is to analyze modern business practices and substantiate proposals for improving the management mechanism of economic entities by increasing the role of the behavioral support subsystem. The study of the problem of modernization of the management mechanism made it possible to identify such a phenomenon as the appearance of a "behavioral person", and with it the importance of taking into account the behavioral aspect of management. In the course of the research the following methods were used: concrete historical method, systematic method, analytical and balance methods, sociological methods (questioning, interviewing, testing), as well as psychological management methods. The behavioral management mechanism, organically including economic and economic mechanisms, allows a more realistic assessment of the current situation in accordance with the productive forces of production relations. The results of the study of the behavioral management mechanism open up a new theoretical direction in the study of problems of improving the efficiency of management.
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