Usage of Automated Methods and Algorithms for Identification of Ideologemes of News Texts


  • Alexei V. Sekerin Kursk State University
  • Vitaly A. Kudinov Kursk State University



natural language processing, neural network, targeted sentiment analysis, named-entity recognition, transformer, thesaurus


At the present stage of the development of information warfare, the problem of automating the process of categorizing news texts by centers of influence, including the identification of messages containing destructive value orientations, is of particular importance. Despite the large number of publications devoted to the description of methods and technologies of modern information wars, linguistic aspects of the functioning of ideologues, there is currently no comprehensive approach to automating the process of identification of ideologues of Russian-language news texts. The purpose of this study is to determine the possibility of applying automated methods identification of ideologies and to build a theoretical model of an intelligent system. As a result of the research, statistical, neural network and graph-oriented approaches were analyzed, their applicability to identify ideologemes of Russian-language discourse through artificial neural networks was evaluated, and an intelligent system model was developed.


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Author Biographies

Alexei V. Sekerin, Kursk State University

Postgraduate Student, Department of Software and Administration of Infor-mation Systems, Kursk State University,
Kursk, Russia.

Vitaly A. Kudinov, Kursk State University

Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Software and Information Systems Administration, Kursk State University,
Kursk, Russia.


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How to Cite

Sekerin, A. V., & Kudinov, V. A. (2024). Usage of Automated Methods and Algorithms for Identification of Ideologemes of News Texts. Economics. Information Technologies, 51(1), 201-210.

