Functional Modeling of Monitoring the State of Cryoproduct Storage Systems on the Example of Liquefied Natural Gas
functional modeling, remote monitoring, tank container, non-drainage storage, heat and mass transfer, IDEF0, CFDAbstract
The issues of improving safety and reducing losses during storage and transportation of cryoproducts in storage systems of various types are considered. A functional model of a system for remote monitoring of the state of cryoproduct storage systems is presented. The task of the monitoring system is to provide remote monitoring of the state of cryoproduct storage systems, including the possibility to predict the time of non-drainage storage of cryoproduct based on computational modeling data. In considered scheme, the tasks of accumulating an array of operating parameters, which are usually determined using computational modeling, and calculating the current characteristics of a particular process in real time are functionally separated. The procedure for calculating non-stationary parameters of non-drainage storage is considered on the example of liquefied natural gas. Graphs of tank pressure changes at different values of the liquid level in the tank are presented. Using of the proposed functional model for monitoring the condition of cryogenic storage systems ensures that responsible persons are provided with current information on the parameters of non-drainage storage of cryogenic products in real time. This allows to take timely measures to prevent product losses during storage, as well as prevent the occurrence of an explosion and fire hazard.
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