Study of Integration Interaction Between Credit and Financial Institutions in the Financial Market


  • Elena N. Pashkova Belgorod State National Research University



integration, interaction, association, bank, insurance company, leasing company, efficiency, competitiveness


The article presents the results of the integration interaction study of credit and financial institutions in the financial market. These results include the author’s approach to the stages of development of integration relations between banks and participants in financial relations. The frequency of occurrence of the studied terms (“bancassurance”, “financial supermarket”, “assurfinance”, “financial conglomerate”) in English, American and Russian scientific and reference literature has been determined using the online service Google Books Ngram Viewer, which demonstrates and proves the interest of the scientific community to this topic. An analysis of the comparison of online service data and the stages of integration relations development has been carried out. Based on the literature studied, the author has identified the prerequisites for the development of such relations.


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Author Biography

Elena N. Pashkova, Belgorod State National Research University

senior lecturer of the Department of Innovative Economics and Finance, graduate student of the Department of Innovative Economics and Finance, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia.


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Abstract views: 59




How to Cite

Pashkova, E. N. (2024). Study of Integration Interaction Between Credit and Financial Institutions in the Financial Market. Economics. Information Technologies, 51(1), 121-131.

