Development of Russia’s Foreign Trade Potential as a Factor of Ensuring Economic Security of the State


  • Maksim V. Selyukov RANEPA St. Petersburg
  • Natalya P. Shalygina RANEPA St. Petersburg



export potential, foreign economic activity, foreign trade, foreign economic relations, economics, national security, security


For any modern state, issues related to ensuring its security, the ability to realize its national goals and pursue its own interests have always been the most essential and priority ones. In many ways nowadays, the independence and autonomy of the state is associated, first of all, with the development of its economy, the ability of the national economic model to withstand negative factors and crises. In recent years, Russia has faced unprecedented economic challenges provoked by the anti-Russian sanctions policy of unfriendly Western countries, the slowdown in the development of the global economy, as well as negative demographic trends, etc. However, despite this, it was able to resist them and show quite significant growth rates in comparison with other countries. It is worth reminding that the projected growth at the end of 2023 should be +3.5 %. This fact is connected with many aspects, but one of the most important is rather rapid reorientation of foreign trade to the East, the effective search and development of new foreign economic relations, the search and finding of new target markets. In many respects, forced work to bridge the gap with European trading partners and rational search in other parts of the world creates significant fundamental conditions for increasing the efficiency of the process of ensuring the economic security of the state.


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Author Biographies

Maksim V. Selyukov, RANEPA St. Petersburg

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Customs Administration of the RANEPA,
St. Petersburg, Russia.

Natalya P. Shalygina, RANEPA St. Petersburg

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Customs Administration of the RANEPA,
St. Petersburg, Russia.


Список источников

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Abstract views: 35




How to Cite

Selyukov, M. V., & Shalygina, N. P. (2024). Development of Russia’s Foreign Trade Potential as a Factor of Ensuring Economic Security of the State. Economics. Information Technologies, 51(1), 93-106.

