Prospects for Innovative Development of the Belgorod Region, Considering the Principles of "Smart Specialization"


  • Sergey O. Dankov ANO Agency for Strategic Initiatives for the Promotion of New Projects



regional economic policy, regional policy, region, development, administrative-territorial entity, smart specialization, industry portfolio


The purpose is to substantiate the directions of innovative development of the region according to the concept of “smart specialization”, compliance with its principles and recommendations. This article solves the problem of assessing the impact of innovative technologies on the socio-economic space of the region in order to study existing activities and their specifics, the development of new innovative sectors of the region's economy due to the state and development of science, the availability of personnel, modern infrastructure and various resources, taking into account national priorities of scientific and technological development. The lack of scientifically grounded methodological and methodical base for assessing the potential of the regional market and projects for its commercialization reveals a number of problems in using the potential of the region in the development of new innovative activities. The scientific novelty of the research is the formation of industry priorities based on the unique competitive advantages of the region, growing new types of activities, the application of best practices, experience, competencies and technologies. The results of the study allowed, using Rosstat data, to identify the current industry specializations of seven regions of the Central Federal District of Russia, to make a preliminary economic analysis, to review and assess the state of development of the main and priority sectors of the regions, to consider an approach to choosing directions for innovative development of the Belgorod region, taking into account the principles of “smart specialization”. The practical significance of the study consists in substantiating alternative solutions and the probabilistic consequences of the Belgorod Region's economy until 2030, including promising and specific types of industry specialization proposed on the basis of the principles of “smart specialization”.


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Author Biography

Sergey O. Dankov, ANO Agency for Strategic Initiatives for the Promotion of New Projects

Project Manager, ANO «Agency for Strategic Initiatives for the Promotion of New Projects»,
Moscow, Russia.


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Abstract views: 29




How to Cite

Dankov, S. O. (2024). Prospects for Innovative Development of the Belgorod Region, Considering the Principles of "Smart Specialization". Economics. Information Technologies, 51(1), 56-69.

