Features of the Formation of a Policy for the Development of Border Regions in the Context of Ensuring their Financial Security
the concept of politics, regional security, reproduction process, economic mechanism, financial securityAbstract
The aim of the work is to clarify the concept of politics in relation to the development of the border region. The subject of the study was the relations that arise between economic entities in the process of policy implementation. The authors analyzed various approaches to the interpretation of politics, brought out the actual problems of using the term and proposed a definition of politics. By policy, the authors propose to understand the result of the activities of people with authority and responsibility in the form of an image of future transformations, including framework conditions for the formalization and implementation of such transformations (various plans and projects taking into account the specifics and specifics of the object of policy), as well as criteria (principles) for evaluating the achievement of set goals. It is concluded that the policy of regional development precedes the formalization and concretization of the functions of regional management. Since defensive functions are an absolute priority for the border region, its policy in the development of all economic and cultural spheres must take into account security problems. In order to realize the next most important achievements (the level of economic development of the region, as the basis for the material well-being of the population, and the place of specialization of the region in the economic complex of the country), it is necessary to ensure the unity and integrity of the reproductive process through the development of an economic mechanism. Finances are of great importance in the economic mechanism, ensuring the coherence of its elements. It is promising to consider the implementation of a financial policy that ensures financial security at the regional level in relation to municipal self-government.
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