Machine Learning for Quality Decision Support in an Industrial Enterprise
machine learning, decision making, situational-ontological methodology for developing decision support systems, decision tree method, quality assurance, Python, product testing in industryAbstract
The article is devoted to the description of approaches to the implementation of the methodology of situational-ontological design of decision support systems in the field of quality assurance for products at a machine-building enterprise. The study was conducted to confirm the possibility of implementing this methodology using machine learning methods based on Python libraries for digital analysis of test data with decision making. The relevance of this study is due to the need to solve the problem associated with increased requirements for the professional training of employees involved in the field of quality assurance. Their work is connected with the adoption of numerous heterogeneous decisions, for which, as you know, a decision support system is an effective tool. The novelty of the proposed solution lies in an innovative approach to the situational-ontological design of decision support systems, as well as in the application of machine learning methods based on Python libraries in the formation of a decision support system for the process of testing products of a machine-building enterprise. The results of the research demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed methodology.
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