Technology and Models for Ensuring of a Company Financial Security under Sanctions Restriction


  • Ekaterina V. Orlova Ufa University of Science and Technology



working capital, accounts receivable, accounts payable, return on equity, financial security, simulation modeling, substantiation of management decisions


The article is devoted to the problem of management decisions design in the field of financial capital of industrial companies ennsuring their financial security under sanctions. We propose the technology for working capital management, which under sanctions risks, increases its financial stability and economic security of a company. Return on equity is used as an indicator of the efficiency of working capital management. The developed technology for working capital management of a company under reducing accounts payables and accounts receivables reflects the functional relationships between the management system functions, taking into account input and output information and allows to justify management decisions aimed at improving the efficiency of a company. The designed simulation model of return on equity provides identification of the most significant factors that determine the dynamics of the working capital efficiency. The model is the basis for the managemant decisions development to change the elements of working capital, and also allows to model the effects of the proposed decisions with required profitability and profit


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Author Biography

Ekaterina V. Orlova, Ufa University of Science and Technology

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Department of Business Economics, Ufa University of Science and Technology, Ufa, Russian Federation


Список источников

Государственный информационный ресурс бухгалтерской (финансовой) отчетности. URL: (дата обращения 30 марта 2023 года)

Официальный сайт предприятия АО «БАЗ» URL: (дата обращения 30 марта 2023 года)

Официальный сайт предприятия АО «Энергомаш» URL:дата обращения 30 марта 2023 года)

Официальный сайт предприятия ООО «ПромАрм» URL: (дата обращения 30 марта 2023 года)

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Abstract views: 68




How to Cite

Orlova, E. V. (2023). Technology and Models for Ensuring of a Company Financial Security under Sanctions Restriction. Economics. Information Technologies, 50(3), 612-623.

