Economic Potential of Strategic Management of the Region in the Context of Macroeconomic Crises


  • Matvey S. Oborin Perm Institute (branch) "Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov "



anti-crisis management, preventive measures, regional development strategy, anti-crisis tactics, preventive measures program


Macroeconomic and geopolitical pressure on the Russian economy has significantly actualized the search for effective tools, mechanisms and programs that have a pronounced anti-crisis response. The deep and long-term impact of negative factors contributes to the application of various measures of socio-economic adaptation and stabilization, taking into account regional advantages, existing specialization, resource potential. Effective government measures helped restore the appropriate level of economic development, but in 2022 the economic situation worsened due to the sanctions imposed. Due to the deterioration of the economic situation and the development of the crisis in the country, many companies risk facing financial problems, which predetermines their insolvency, so they begin to suspend their activities or close their business. This affected most sectors of the economy, weakened export and import activities, and changed trade and logistics ties between states and regions. The implementation of systemic anti-crisis response measures at the federal level has been developed in the regions. The subjects of the country develop and implement program initiatives in priority activities for them, which make a significant contribution to GRP, attract specialists in the field of scientific research, education, and services. The article analyzes the economic potential of the development of the anti-crisis management of the Tomsk region, identifies strategic directions of business support by the authorities. The main directions of the strategic program of the Tomsk region should be systemic measures to stabilize the activities of priority sectors of the economy, the development of export directions, reducing dependence on imports, economic availability of food, saturation of the consumer market with quality food, optimization of planning processes and fiscal support for import substitution, as well as the introduction of additional measures to support the population. It is determined that at present the authorities of the Tomsk region need to implement a tactical program of measures, including strengthening support for all sectors of the economy, stabilizing export volumes, continuing the course of import substitution, preserving the investment attractiveness of the region.


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Author Biography

Matvey S. Oborin, Perm Institute (branch) "Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov "

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and Statistics of the Perm Institute (branch) "Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov "; Professor of the Department of World and Regional Economy, Economic Theory of the Perm State National Research University, Professor of the Department of Management of the Perm State Agrarian and Technological University named after ac. D.N. Pryanishnikov, Perm, Russian Federation


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Abstract views: 59




How to Cite

Oborin, M. S. (2023). Economic Potential of Strategic Management of the Region in the Context of Macroeconomic Crises. Economics. Information Technologies, 50(3), 514-524.

