New Instruments for Legalization of Shadow Incomes in Conditions of Economy Digitalization: Cryptocurrency and Digital Ruble
central bank, cash settlements, cryptocurrency, digital ruble, AML/CFTAbstract
The ongoing process of development of the crypto industry in the world system was one of those factors that contributed to the inclusion in the process of creating their own digital currency by the Central Banks of a number of countries such as the Russian Federation, Sweden, Canada, China and other countries, and as a result, the circulation of cryptocurrencies and digital money has a high risk of using them in the legalization of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism. The purpose of the study is to identify priority areas in the field of combating money laundering in terms of legislative regulation of new financial instruments and ensuring the security of participants in the cryptocurrency market. As a result of the study, the distinctive features of cryptocurrency from digital currencies are given, the key factors of money laundering in a virtual environment are described, and the hypothesis of the nature of the "duality" of the cryptocurrency market in real time is substantiated. The results of the study are of an applied nature and can be used in the preparation of regulatory legal acts of state authorities and the Bank of Russia.
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