Positioning of Russian Manufacturers in the World Market of Agricultural Products: Problems and Prospects


  • Natalya P. Shalygina Belgorod National Research University
  • Maksim V. Selyukov Belgorod National Research University




agro-industrial complex, foreign economic activity, foreign trade, EAEU, food security, foreign economic relations, export potential


Modern realities of foreign trade activities are contradictory and undoubtedly highly politicized, especially when it comes to Russian enterprises. On the one hand, no national economy can no longer be self-sufficient, based on the available factors of production, technology and the need for capital and, of course, food. Not a single state is able to rationally form and implement a socio-economic development strategy without taking into account the priorities and norms of behavior of the main participants in world economic activity. On the other hand, the unprecedented pressure on Russia, which is being exerted by Western countries, makes it look for new partners and markets. The pandemic of the coronavirus infection COVID-19, the ongoing “sanctions war”, have a serious negative impact on all areas of activity, primarily foreign trade turnover and foreign economic relations. However, the importance for increasing the competitiveness of the domestic economy, even in such economic conditions, the development of foreign economic activity (hereinafter – FEA) has not weakened at all, if not increased. As a result, the formation of export policy targets and the development of effective tools to achieve them, the positioning of Russian producers in the global agricultural market is the most important strategic priority of Russian state policy.


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Author Biographies

Natalya P. Shalygina, Belgorod National Research University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of World Economy, Institute of Economics and Management

Maksim V. Selyukov, Belgorod National Research University

Сandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Technologies and Public Administration of the Institute of Economics and Management


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Abstract views: 97




How to Cite

Shalygina, N. P., & Selyukov, M. V. (2023). Positioning of Russian Manufacturers in the World Market of Agricultural Products: Problems and Prospects. Economics. Information Technologies, 50(1), 94-104. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0932-2023-50-1-94-104

