Model of Multivariate Analysis of the Competitiveness of Corporate Structures


  • Liang Ting Moscow Pedagogical State University



competitiveness of corporate structures, organizational and economic mechanisms, economic and statistical model, multivariate analysis, multiplicative multivariate model, PJSC, BAIC Group


The main methodological approaches to the analysis of the competitiveness of corporate structures are identified, which, unlike a single descriptive approach, are quantitative in nature. Their brief description is given. One of the approaches, built on the basis of correlation-regression analysis, has been developed to the level of building a multiplicative multifactorial model, which for two factors is close to the Cobb-Douglas production function. The developed economic-statistical model of multivariate analysis of the competitiveness of a corporation makes it possible to carry out a comprehensive study of the competitiveness of the development of corporate structures, to rank the identified internal and external factors in terms of their influence on the process of ensuring competitiveness, to argue organizational and economic mechanisms for generating promising competitive advantages of the development of a corporation. The mathematical model of the competitiveness of corporate structures built for seven factors was tested on the statistical and analytical data of two companies: PJSC “Kamaz” (Russia) and BAIC Group (PRC). These specific models have identified the most significant factors in improving the competitiveness of the companies in question.


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Author Biography

Liang Ting, Moscow Pedagogical State University

PhD student, Department of Economic Theory and Management, Moscow Pedagogical State University,
Moscow, Russia


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Abstract views: 159




How to Cite

Ting, L. (2022). Model of Multivariate Analysis of the Competitiveness of Corporate Structures. Economics. Information Technologies, 49(3), 515-528.

