Humanitarian Action as a Factor in Changing the Nature of Economic Relations
virtual economics, the paradigm of the neoclassical theory of world economy, the peculiarities of the development of humanitarian activities, the model of global humanitarian activities, the humanization of the economy, the economy of international humanitarian relationsAbstract
The prolonged economic crisis of the economies of the developed countries of the world (determining, in fact, the state of the entire world economy) exposed the fundamental limitations (in contrast to many previous crises) of the further expansion of the previous path of economic growth. The limit of territorial expansion has been outlined: there are no more countries and markets left that are not involved in the international trade in the division of labor. The limit of growth in the volume of commodity production and sales was also determined. The main directions of production development - technological innovations that ensure deep processing of primary raw materials and constant renewal of marketable products, automation and robotization, which reduce the cost of wages of employees, led to a relative decrease in the level of consumer demand, i.e. to a crisis oversaturation of the consumer goods market. Stimulating demand through the expansion of consumer credit, in turn, quickly led to a critical level of unpaid debt and non-repayment of bank loans. The purpose of the study in this article is to justify that economic growth due to the expansion of intangible production fundamentally changes the neoclassical model of capitalist economics and standard theoretical methods for overcoming emerging development problems within the framework of the adopted paradigm are ineffective. As a result of the study, it is shown that overcoming the boundaries of the traditional commodity market of capitalist countries today is through the commercialization of new areas of virtual activity - science, sports, art, history and even religion. This article attempts to analyze the prospects for a deep restructuring of the model of industrial capitalist production and the established consumer society. The definition of humanitarian activity is given as a special sphere of activity of modern society, which uses (and reveals) the possibilities of a person as a person, and above all, his potential of intellectual, creative activity, which gives rise to qualitatively new effects, new mechanisms of interaction of economic parameters.
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