Energy efficiency assessment of heterogeneous data aggregation in wireless sensor networks


  • Alexey M. Pavlov Kursk State University
  • Irina A. Pozhidaeva Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications



aggregation, wireless sensor network, sensor node, base station, energy efficiency, information packet, energy efficient aggregation ratio, the information packet size ratio


The wireless sensor networks are the promising area in the development of telecommunication systems. This article is devoted to the actual problem of energy consumption in wireless sensor networks. The purpose of the study is an energy efficiency assessment of heterogeneous data aggregation in wireless sensor networks. In article is discussed the influence of data aggregation quality on energy consumption and wireless sensor networks throughput. Next the author considers the reasons of spatial and temporal correlations in wireless sensor networks and suggests ways of elimination these correlations. The author suggests new quality assessment ratios in wireless sensor networks: the energy efficient aggregation ratio and the information packet size ratio. In this article the analysis of the impact of data aggregation on wireless sensor networks of any topology was carried out. Research shows calculations of energy consumption value and throughput required for data packets transmission, which were performed using mathematical and statistical analysis and mathematical modeling software. As a result of the research the way of energy efficiency assessment of heterogeneous data aggregation on the wireless sensor networks was developed. This article will be interesting to specialists in the telecommunication area, to students and graduate students of the technical institutes and can form a basis for further researches.


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Author Biographies

Alexey M. Pavlov, Kursk State University

Master of the Department of Software and Information Systems Administration, Kursk State University, Kursk, Russia

Irina A. Pozhidaeva, Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

Master of the Department of Communication Networks and Data Transmission, St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Professor M.A. Bonch-Bruevich, St. Petersburg, Russia


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How to Cite

Pavlov, A. M., & Pozhidaeva, I. A. (2022). Energy efficiency assessment of heterogeneous data aggregation in wireless sensor networks. Economics. Information Technologies, 48(1), 156-167.

