Harvesting Management Information System Within the Frameworks of the «Industry 4.0»: Structure, Estimate of Efficiency


  • Mikhail Yu. Vasenev Volga State University of Technology




forest complex, automation and digitalization, Industry 4.0, TOPSIS, system effectiveness


This article considers questions concerning the techno-technological modernization of the Russian Federation forest complex. There are mentioned many problems restraining the progress of this sector, among them is the lower level of automation and digitalization of processes. There are highlighted the most actual trends of scientific researches and developments in the area of forest industry and forestry, there are considered current achievements of native and foreign explorers. There is provided and described the structure of harvesting management information system within the frameworks of the «Industry 4.0» conception. There are given some comments to the scheme: the task of logging quality estimation with the use of the multiple criteria analysis TOPSIS, a question of the resource forecasting of the forest machine units are considered. The indicator set for the estimate of harvesting system efficiency is suggested. There are made some conclusions, the requirement of forming more comfortable conditions for the modernization of forest science and education, enlargement of the investment amount in the Russian forest complex is mentioned.


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Author Biography

Mikhail Yu. Vasenev, Volga State University of Technology

Postgraduate Student, Information and Computing Systems Department, Volga State University of Technology,
Yoshkar-Ola, Russia


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Abstract views: 120




How to Cite

Vasenev, M. Y. (2022). Harvesting Management Information System Within the Frameworks of the «Industry 4.0»: Structure, Estimate of Efficiency. Economics. Information Technologies, 49(2), 383-393. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0932-2022-49-2-383-393

