Investigation of the Phenomenon of Spatial Proximity of Regions of the Russian Federation


  • Yana Y. Bondareva Belgorod National Research University



spatial proximity, non-spatial proximity, knowledge, capital, technology flows, interregional interaction, network structures


The article examines foreign and Russian approaches to the study of the spatial and non-spatial proximity of regions, which are prerequisites for creating interregional interaction, knowledge, capital, technology flows, as well as effective economic growth of Russian regions. A methodical approach has been applied to the calculation and visualization of the spatial/geographical proximity of the subjects of the Russian Federation to the Belgorod region. The typology of the spatial proximity of the subjects of the Russian Federation with respect to the Belgorod region, obtained in the course of calculations, does not fully reveal all the potential channels for the flow of knowledge, capital, and technology. Various types of non-spatial proximity are considered and the most favorable prerequisites for enhancing inter-regional cooperation, which, in our opinion, can arise on the basis of the principle of complementarity, are identified. Determining the significance and degree of influence of various types of proximity showed that spatial proximity in conjunction with non-spatial one gives impetus to the creation of cluster structures, forms network interaction and other integration forms of regional interaction.


The research was carried out within the framework of the state assignment FZWG-2020-0016 (0624-2020-0016), the topic of the project «Fundamental foundations of global territorial and industry specialization in the context of digitalization and technology convergence".


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Author Biography

Yana Y. Bondareva, Belgorod National Research University

кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры прикладной экономики и экономической безопасности, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет,
г. Белгород, Россия


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Abstract views: 165




How to Cite

Bondareva, Y. Y. (2022). Investigation of the Phenomenon of Spatial Proximity of Regions of the Russian Federation. Economics. Information Technologies, 49(2), 209-216.

