Development of marketing in foreign economic activity


  • Nazirkhan G. Gadzhiev Dagestan State University
  • Aleksey Yu. Karpunin Ryazan State Radiotechnical University named after V.F. Utkin
  • Elena V. Karpunina Ryazan State Radiotechnical University named after V.F. Utkin
  • Sergey A. Konovalenko Ryazan branch of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya



marketing mix, international marketing, competitiveness, development strategy, promotion, foreign markets


An important role in the organization of foreign economic activity of economic entities, in particular the development of new markets and the promotion of goods, belongs to marketing. Economic entities with export potential are faced with the problems of selling products in foreign markets. The range of these problems is quite wide, from customs clearance and movement of products, to identifying the needs of end users and packaging goods. Despite the presence of a significant number of publications on international marketing, at present there are no universal approaches to the systematic organization of the marketing activities of export-oriented economic entities. This is due to differences in legislation, the peculiarities of the functioning of foreign markets and the conditions for working on them, the requirements of the market and consumers in different countries, as well as differences in the socio-cultural, political and economic environment. The purpose of this study is to form the main provisions of international marketing as a tool to determine the possibility of bringing the organization's products to foreign markets. When substantiating the results, conclusions and practical recommendations, the main provisions of economic theory, scientific research by domestic and foreign economists were used. The study of the problems of international marketing made it possible to identify the factors influencing the entry of domestic producers into foreign markets. As a result of the study, an algorithm for determining the competitiveness of products is proposed, which allows to highlight the advantages and determine the possibility of selling products on the foreign market. The proposed recommendations aimed at the development of international marketing contribute to solving a number of problems related to the entry of economic entities into new external markets for the sale of products.


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Author Biographies

Nazirkhan G. Gadzhiev, Dagestan State University

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector for Economics and Finance, Head of the Department of Economic Security, Analysis and Audit, Dagestan State University,
Makhachkala, Russia

Aleksey Yu. Karpunin, Ryazan State Radiotechnical University named after V.F. Utkin

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Security, Analysis and Accounting, Russian State Technical University,
Ryazan, Russia

Elena V. Karpunina, Ryazan State Radiotechnical University named after V.F. Utkin

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Security, Analysis and Accounting, Russian State Technical University,
Ryazan, Russia

Sergey A. Konovalenko, Ryazan branch of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Economic Security, Ryazan branch of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya,
Ryazan, Russia


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Abstract views: 474




How to Cite

Gadzhiev, N. G., Karpunin, A. Y., Karpunina, E. V., & Konovalenko, S. A. (2022). Development of marketing in foreign economic activity. Economics. Information Technologies, 49(1), 79-91.




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