Budget self-sufficiency of regions as a result of interaction between public authorities and business structures
regional economy, public authorities, business structures, interaction, stakeholders, budget self-sufficiency of the region, regions of the Central Federal DistrictAbstract
Effective interaction of public authorities and business structures is the most important factor and condition for the sustainable development of Russian regions. The expanded reproduction of economic, social and environmental regional systems largely depends on the coordinated actions of the parties, including representatives of private business, which accounts for a significant part of the turnover of commercial organizations in Russia. Managing such interaction requires not only coordination of the interests of stakeholders, but also an objective assessment of its effectiveness. The authors propose to evaluate the effectiveness of interaction between public authorities and business structures on the basis of an interest-oriented model of regional growth. It is proved that the criterion for the stability of this model is the budget self-sufficiency of the region. The calculated formula of the criterion indicator is presented. The evaluation of the effectiveness of interaction between public authorities and business structures by the level of budget self-sufficiency in the regions of the Central Federal District of Russia was tested.
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