Implementation of STEM-technologies in the development of interactive web-applications


  • Irina N. Belyaeva Belgorod National Research University
  • Maksim A. Velichko Belgorod National Research University
  • Oksana O. Sinugina Belgorod National Research University



mathematical modeling, numerical methods, software packages, STEM-technologies, design and research activities, web-technologies


The article discusses the use of STEM-technologies in project activities by the example of the of interactive web-applications development. These web-applications are educational projects implemented by schoolchildren on the basis of Belgorod National Research University. STEM technologies are educational technologies that combine science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The application of the abovementioned technologies to this type of projects is the novelty of the study. In these projects, web-technologies are used not only for creation of the interactive web-applications themselves, but also for the various constructions and models. The structure and process of creating complexes of interactive programs with the use of mathematical modeling are considered. The results achieved with the use of STEM technologies are described. Attention is paid to the impact of STEM technologies on the process of learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript, which are a means of interactive web-applications developing.


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Author Biographies

Irina N. Belyaeva, Belgorod National Research University

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent) of the Department of Computer Science, Natural Sciences and Teaching Methods

Maksim A. Velichko, Belgorod National Research University

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent) of the Department of Computer Science, Natural Sciences and Teaching Methods

Oksana O. Sinugina, Belgorod National Research University

5th year student of 44.03.05 curricula Pedagogical Education Computer Science and foreign Language (English)


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Abstract views: 344




How to Cite

Belyaeva, I. N., Velichko, M. A., & Sinugina, O. O. (2021). Implementation of STEM-technologies in the development of interactive web-applications. Economics. Information Technologies, 48(2), 376-382.




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