Intralayer and interlayer coordination in multi-level distributed management systems of regional security
multi-level distributed system, management, regional security support, coordination, mathematical modelingAbstract
The research logically proceeds with the earlier studies devoted to development of mathematical and computer modeling aids and methods for multi-level distributed systems of regional security management support for the purpose of its efficiency enhancement by the decentralized control coordination in these systems. In the course of these studies an agent-based multi-level recurrent hierarchical model for regional security management based on the functional-target approach and formal apparatus of multi-level hierarchical system theory has been developed. That provides local decisions coordination under decentralized security management at all levels of decision-making. An approach and models of intralayer and interlayer control coordination in the multi-level distributed management systems of regional security support are proposed. These models can be used for other urgent applications in various object domains. The fundamental theorems and its proving, that form the foundations of the proposed coordination models, are represented.
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