cleaning services, segmentation, psychological segmentation, the market ofAbstract
The article highlights the results of a field study of the cleaning services market in the B2C segment for the Krasnoyarsk city. The article assesses the state of the «home cleaning» market, namely the need for various types of cleaning services, the volume of demand, and the ratio of potential consumers to price. The results may be useful for the formation of price policy, because on the basis of constructed demand curves can calculate the elasticity of demand and to make a sales forecast. The article is of interest both for understanding the status and development trends of the home cleaning market, and from a methodological point of view. A psychographic analysis of consumers performed using the factorial, cluster method made it possible to segment the market under study based on the study of consumer behavior, their motivation, values and lifestyle, and to describe the segments obtained and determine the target market. Understanding the status and trends of the market development, the specifics of the target audience will allow formulating the basic approaches to market development and the development of marketing strategy.
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