Algorithm for calculating the optimal gradient function of the internal blocking for the data transmission systems for monitoring critical objects of the state




channel resource volume, data transmission network, multimodal presentation of information, system of priority handling of calls with obvious losses, channel resource reservation, call loss probability


An important task of the monitoring system for critical facilities of the state is to reliably determine the psychophysiological state of operators of automated workstations. In modern conditions of a limited amount of channel resource of data transmission networks of public facilities and the need to prioritize traffic in favor of resource-intensive real-time services, there is a problem of displacing messages with communicative characteristics of operators from service. The indicated drawback does not allow to ensure the timely delivery of assessments of their behavioral reactions for the development of an optimal management decision. Accordingly, the task of modeling the data transmission network of critical state facilities is urgent, aimed at minimizing the loss of information about the state of the operator while ensuring the required quality of service for traditional real-time communication services. To solve this contradiction, a variant of the development of mathematical tools for an integrated data transmission network in the formal basis of the teletraffic theory is proposed. Two streams of claims are considered: resource-intensive data blocks of traditional communication services are served with increased priority relative to data blocks with characteristics of the operator's state. At the same time, it is proposed to supplement the well-known service discipline with absolute priority and interruption with the possibility of reserving a channel resource for information about the state of operators. For these purposes, the gradient function of internal blocking is used, which sets the probability of denial of service for high-priority flow requests depending on the occupied volume of the channel resource. The presented tool for redistributing the amount of bandwidth allows you to solve the optimization problem, taking into account the requirements for the quality of service of requests of different categories and the discipline of service with priorities, interruption and reservation of the channel resource. The article presents an algorithm for calculating the optimal gradient function of internal blocking of high-priority traffic. The influence of changing the argument of the blocking function on the characteristics of the quality of service of heterogeneous traffic is shown. The results obtained can be applied in the design and modernization of data transmission networks in order to increase the efficiency of using channel resources.


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Author Biography

Sergey I. Saitov, Academy of Federal Security Guard Service of Russian Federation

Postgraduate Academy of Federal Security Guard Service of Russian Federation,
Orel, Russia


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How to Cite

Saitov, S. I. (2021). Algorithm for calculating the optimal gradient function of the internal blocking for the data transmission systems for monitoring critical objects of the state. Economics. Information Technologies, 47(4), 853-862.

